Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Protocol 2 Heal Earth Heals Allergies+More

Allergy sufferers please consider taking the burden off your immune systems rather than adding more burdens via synthetic pharmaceuticals. The more burdens you remove, the more energy your immunity has to do its healing work.

You can relieve allergies and many other chronic health issues by detoxing heavy metals received from dental amalgams as well as those acquired with other environmental toxins i.e. air & water pollution including vehicle exhaust, smoking + 2nd hand, wood burning, gas powered lawn mowers, municipal water, etc

Do the dietary self-diagnostic to determine if you have Systemic Candidiasis, another culprit behind a constellation of metabolic trouble such as allergies & related hypersensitivities, arthritis, diabetes, hair loss, diminishing brain function, loss of vision, difficulty losing weight, cancer, etc

Also, genome research and the genetics of blood type verifies age prevention through the detox of lectins accumulated from eating foods not compatible with your blood type. (See

Through tissue cleansng protocols, a host of other harmful microbes farmed by the above listed detritus will be released as well as the remnant herbicides (e.g. MonsantoROUND-UP), pesticides, pharmaceuticals, food dyes, preservatives, etc accumulated over the years then stored in the fatty tissues. Cells get overwhelmed and require help to release the backlog.

Time spent tending to one's intestinal flora promises many returns on the investment. Many years of gardening ease to follow....

We do have to spend time reducing our carbon foot print to remove the threat to our eco-system. The burden on our ecosystem is the same burden on our immunity: For example, plastics don't go away. The particles are eaten by the fish then we consume the fish and wonder why we are sicker than ever before.

Bottom-line, our complex toxic soup is as much a threat to our health as it is to our environment. The interconnectedness of all things is now emerging into our consciousness.

For gardeners of the soil and those of the soil-less persusion, the cause of our dysbiosis can be gotten at the root.

BTW, I use a Personal Air Blower with a mask held in place by a 'Buff' to block exposure to pollution. This method can be used to block pollen. has a more advanced model for sale than the one I have.
And, National Allergy offers masks and other remedies for sufferers. And, is a nasal passage blocking device that may work for others but didn’t work for me. (I have too much ongoing drainage.) And, there is another company whose name eludes me now that offers a nasal gel (NasalGUARD?) that captures particles at point of entry to nasal air ways.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Pre-Emptive & Therapeutic Protocols 4 Cancer

I just heard another sad story! Another woman friend succumbs to another fear driven double mastectomy before exhausting less invasive means of meeting the challenge of cancer.

When symptoms emerge, Perelandra's Telegraph Testing can be used to balance and stabilize one's microbial terrain, internally and externally.
Machaelle S. W. has discovered how to bridge the gap with one of the missing links, the microbial universe, that conventional medicine has overlooked.

As well, the Telegraph Testing repairs the broken electrical links in one's PEMS (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) dimensions to address all traumas endured in this life time and past incarnations. A lot of this work ties in areas that are beneath a person's conscious awareness.

I tried to convey this information to another friend to forestall another mainstream snow job on the saving grace of the double mastectomy. Emotional blind spots exacerbated by a deep need for daily libation, systemic candidiasis and an immune system overwhelmed by heavy metals and environmental toxins dampen my friend's ability to receive and respond to new information. As well her intuition has been occluded by the burdens described above such that she responds to and resonates with pathways that are not for her highest good.

A good daily mindfulness meditation could have gotten her on a life affirming road to recovery; but, hypnosis by the media, social networks and the demands of the material world sabotage most folks who haven't cultivated a practice early on. Moreover, a detox protocol with homeopathic detoxifiers, spagyric botanicals and complementary blood type nutrition should be integrated to consummate the level of tissue drainage that frees the immune system to do its job.

Bottom-line, clean house on all levels PEMS and miracles emerge. Tools exist to accomplish this goal without pharmaceutical, chemo and radiation therapy and/or surgery.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Encouraging the Stuck

No getting away from it. To make detox happen, you have to wake up dormant cells. If cells have been overwhelmed after years of toxic burden, cells have to be reminded of their function. They must be kick-started with supplemental nutrition. If your resistance is tied to the financial investment, just do the foods. Though I had to spend the money to get the job done and so have many others, this may not work for you right now. Again, you can use dowsing to test whether this goal is for your highest good now or later.

(See SabrinaMESKO's Mudras/Mantras in YOGA FOR THE HANDS for an abundance meditation to release from 'sense of lack'. If you are of a high enough consciousness to do this cleansing project without nutrition, you would have done it.

Bottom-line, move therapeutic levels of blood type compatible nutrition thru your body in the same way the gardener must add amendments to overworked and depleted land to return soil structure to vitality, stability and balance.

Remember detox releases resistances on all levels PEMS (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). When you unburden the body, you begin to have shifts in consciousness. Those shifts towards higher levels of functionality are evidence of soul work underway as well. The body is the portal to the soul and vice versa. One can't move without the other.

If you do your body work, your soul will follow. Do your soul work, for instance in the form of mindfulness training, then resistances diminish on the physical plane. In other words, you'll move towards higher levels of conductivity, operating without resistances, taking care of business without grudging or stressful emotions. Levels of super-conductivity follow much like the principle that fuels magnetic levitation. (See the Japanese MAG-Lev train.)

Healing the body, saves the soul.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Clean Your Windshield 4 Better View of the World

Seems that highest logic is to detox the PEMS (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) realms in order to connect with clearest path for governing one’s life.

But, one can still function in daily life while simultaneously attending to the cleansing process. For instance, even if an individual detoxes blood type lectins that have accumulated on receptor sites over the years, the drainage experience would put that person in touch with the other stuff that clogs the works in all dimensions beneath one’s awareness.

The shift in consciousness from just that one point of entry can drive a person into higher levels of understanding of what’s required for their evolutionary process of healing. What could be more important than doing the daily hygiene to cleanse the vehicle that houses the soul? Material wealth? Your latest kitchen makeover? Metaphorically speaking, these are the seductions that drive us off the road to crash and burn, if the red flags don't slow our roll.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Free Your Immunity & Health Will Follow

Double checked the research on Malto Dextrin. It’s a major avoid for Type O’s Secretors & Non Secretors as is Guar Gum and Carregeenan (as it is for Blood Type A's as well)…. So all you’re doing, when u continue to eat quantities of that stuff in your snack foods, is adding exponential levels of lectins onto your already overloaded immune system.

Even after 25 years on the Planet, if a person hasn't had a life threatening illness it's unlikely that detox is a familiar word, much less a daily habit. And, most people, even at their teen years, have accumulated enough chemical remnants from pharmaceuticals and/or recreational drugs, metals and toxins from air and water pollution, eaten enough foods with additives, preservatives and parasitic microbes as well as foods against blood type to create a significant load on the immune system. It is at this point at which things almost imperceptibly begin to go awry i.e. regular colds and flu pop up, eye sight and brain function diminishes, arthritic aches emerge, stubborn acne, hormonal flux of PMS, etc.

The message is not reaching your Highest Logic when you say “I just can’t rule them (blood type avoids) out completely”. So, either consider making your own version of the food in order to create an analogous or similar option or find another snack.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Prison Reform Thru Yoga Training

For a three-for-one value, consider an alternative to weight training for the incarcerated. Yoga builds mind, body and spirit. Pumping iron builds bodies and the potential for 'roid rage' via testosterone overload.

Obama, still smoking?

To add to the previous thread regarding the damage that heavy metals do to neuronal growth and, consequently, to brain function, we have to ask our President Obama to be all he can be by refraining from the smoking habit.

At this age, it would be a really tough withdrawal; so, I'd propose a detox sabbatical after the Stimulus Package gives the country a defibrillating jolt.
Let Biden run the show; so, Obama can drain, not only the toxins in his tissues but also the emotional seed that compels him to self-destruct by nicotine.

As a result, the President can return to a higher level of functionality so we can trust that he's operating with a closer-to- optimum logic. (Certainly, there's a lot more work to do than what one sabbatical can offer.)

Right now, I can't understand how we can direct money to the same ole dysfunctional guys in the Auto Industry, Banking and on Wall Street when so much talent is readied with alternative technologies at the doorstep trying to deliver retrofit solutions to fossil fuel driven engines and homes.

Could be those heavy metals talkin', not only from Obama's brain cells; but, also, from all the decision makers on the Hill (and beyond). Remember, even if they're not smoking cigarettes, they're breathing the metal-laden air and indulging in cocktail driven politics. One might ask, so with what municipal clarity are 'we the people' left?